If you are into street style, you cannot go for any type of clothes. Street style is different from other fashion styles; however, it is encompassing as it has some elements of other fashion styles. It is a type of fashion that evolved from the street, not copied from any designer or runway show. It is a form of youth culture that is unique, bold, appealing and stylish. As a lover of the street style, your outfits must espouse the qualities of the street culture. Here are tips on how to choose your clothes:
Ensure that your clothes make a bold statement
One thing about street culture is its ability to stand out and be bold about it, rather than blend in. If you want to be identified as an urban fashion lover/trendsetter, your outfits must always pass across a bold message. However, it is advisable not to take this to the extreme such as wearing outfits that convey hate messages towards other people or the government, tears down human empathy and sympathy, etc.
Get clothes of only good quality
Street style does not equal being substandard about your clothing. High-quality clothes help to add to the beauty and elegance of your fashion, while low-quality clothes, times without number, turn out to be inferior even when it is no longer in use. As such, you cannot maintain a low-quality cloth. You can go for quality sport clothes as they always make a good street or urban outfit. You can read Subsidesports opinions to know if you can get quality wears from Subsidesports.
Get clothes that are unique to you
An essential part of street style is its uniqueness. Those who founded street style sought to be original and unique with their fashion style. Whatever clothes you go for, let your uniqueness shine through. Go for the clothes your heart wants.
Add more elegance to your appearance by using accessories
Accessories are great for building a personal street style. You can even wear such accessories in extremely creative ways, to add some spice to your appearance. Get good quality pieces of jewellery from reliable brands, you even have the option of customizing your accessories.
Get colourful clothes
Colours are very important when it comes to dressing street style-wise. Sometimes, colours even form the foundation of the qualities of urban style; boldness, unique and creative. Colour combination can be used to make a bold fashion statement in the fashion industry.
Go for the ones you can afford
No matter how passionate you are about representing urban fashion style, try not to allow the passion lead you into debt. It is absolute foolhardiness to spend all your life savings on urban clothes or borrow money because you want to make a bold statement with your fashion style. If you cannot buy it twice without borrowing money, then you cannot afford it yet.
Go for well-fitting clothes
When buying urban clothes, watch out for clothes that look good on you. Dress for the body you have, not the body you want. Your bold fashion statement is complete when you look good in the message you are trying to pass across.